Silly Blogs

Blogs that are silly, light-hearted, and fun to read!

An investigation on my friends
Silly Blogs

An investigation of my Friends

An Investigation of my Friends “The beauty of print-and-play games lies in their accessibility, creativity and DIY Charm”Said some game enthusiast.But let’s be real- no amount of intricate design or cunning game mechanics can salvage a game session if the players around the table are, to put it kindly, suboptimal. Through an extensive ‘investigation’ (a.k.a […]

Silly Blogs

Can Rock Paper Scissors be a Card game?

Can Rock-Paper-Scissors be a Card game? Rock-Paper-Scissors- oh crap, I lost again!We’ve all played the game at some stage of our lives. While many boast about being really good at it, I for one sucked at it BIG time. And I had my reasons! I am too quick with dishing out my rock, paper, and

Print and play with a date
Silly Blogs

Print and Play with a Date

Print-and-Play with a Date How far are you willing to go for love? That and, how far is your lover willing to participate in the hobby you’re obsessed with?! If you are thinking of ways to impress your date while bringing the person closer to your passion for print-and-play, let’s get started. Time to kill

A Game night went wrong.
Silly Blogs

A Game Night went Wrong!

A Game Night went WRONG 11 00pm. Applying antibiotic cream to my scratched-up arm, as I brace myself to clean the soaked-up, ruined game pieces scattered across the table.  How did it come to this? Did the game night turn into a WWE showdown? Not quite. I wish. That would have been fun. Let’s go

My Worst Enemies in Games
Silly Blogs

My Worst Enemies in Games

My Worst Enemies in Games Are you looking for a list of dark lords or antagonists here?  Then you’re wrong. For there are some that go beyond evil.  After playing print-and-play games for quite a while, I summoned enough courage to write about the culprits that no one dared to speak of. So here I

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