4 Must-Follow Print-and-Play YouTube Creators for 2024

Image of 4 YouTube Creator's logos that are concealed by question marks.

Have you been playing print-and-play games for a while? Then let me ask you this:

What is the one constant resource that you go through every time you learn about a new PnP game?

While I’d love it to be my review blogs (!), one of the best resources undoubtedly has to be the reviews or playthrough videos on YouTube. While starting my journey of print-and-play, I browsed for elaborate videos that covered all corners. But after browsing hundreds (read, thousands) of YouTube videos of amazing PnP game content creators, I came across a couple of realizations: 

-It’s more than just a review/playthrough video: it can be an excellent source of entertainment! There’s nothing more captivating than a game narrator guiding us through the game with their charm.

-You need variations: not always will you feel the need to watch a 30-minute video! Or, you might not always need a dramatic playthrough video. It’s important to follow a wide diversity of game-based content creators so that you can pick one that you’d enjoy watching.

So here I am with my curated list of content creators on YouTube that you should follow to learn about print-and-play games. Just so you know, the list is not based on the quality of the contents, but rather how helpful or entertaining it has been for my journey in PnP games. There are thousands of content creators out there who are trying out these games, I’m sure there are many whom I’m yet to encounter.

In a nutshell- I love this YouTube channel for keeping it real! We all make mistakes when we try out games for the first time, and Martin Gonzalvez highlights it perfectly. He has a segment named ‘Martin is probably playing it wrong’, and his humor in these videos is spot on. We all mess up on earlier stages of gameplay, and Martin openly acknowledging his own helps normalize that! It makes you more open to trying out the games, which enables you to learn it faster than usual.

As if the reason is not enough to subscribe to his channel, we also loved the content on how to build print-and-play games. Such content cater especially to those who are new to the world of PnP, and it feels amazing knowing that Martin and I share a similar vision!

My first experience with Print and Play Hideaway: watching the Lantern playthrough video. Highly entertaining!

Ah well, I guess you knew he’d be on the list! Being one of the legends in the space of game reviews, Sir Thecos will keep you hooked even on long-format videos. His sense of humor and amazing narration enhanced my learning experience with PnP games.

With over 800 content on games, you will get a rich collection of unboxing, game setup, playthrough, and reviews. The best part has to be how frequently he uploads quality content, so there are always new games to check out and play.

My first experience with Sir Thecos: the YouTube creator holds a special place in my heart, since I started my PnP journey by playing Escape of the Dead 1, after watching his playthrough video!

Are you curious about a game, and want to know about it in less than 3 minutes? Go for Board Game Blitz! The channel has tons of game reviews on ‘Free PnP games’ that will help you decide if you want to try the game.

Once you made up your mind (hoping it’s a yes) then you can jump right into the detailed Twitch/YouTube live streams that are uploaded on the channel. These live streams are not perfect, but that’s what makes it more legit. Ambie will make mistakes, go through the manual from time to time, and keep playing the game till she wins it- pretty much what all of us go through!

My first experience with Board Game Blitz: Watching a Twitch Stream on Leaky Boat. This gem-of-a-game rarely had any playthrough videos, thanks to the video I got to clear all the confusion I had about it.

You have made your way into the world of print-and-play, so I can assume that solo games play a large part in it! That’s the area of expertise of this content creator. One Player, as the name suggests, is a treasure trove for solo gaming. When I’m in the mood for in-depth, solo-game reviews that cover every aspect of a game, One Player is my go-to source.

When it comes to game reviews, expect genuine feedback from this content creator. He does not shy away from being a critique of games when the situation demands it, and I love it. Adding more to that, One player HAS MERCH! They have a really cool collection of attires, feel free to check it out.  

My first experience with One Player: Watching a playthrough video for 30 Rails!

So, what are you waiting for? If you haven’t explored these amazing creators already, make sure to check them out. They’ve not only helped me get to know about PnP games but also helped me recognize such content as a spectacular means of entertainment. A big shoutout to this amazing bunch of content creators! Your passion and creativity make the world of PnP games so much more vibrant and enjoyable for all of us. Keep up the great work!

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