Oh My Lair

“Who dares to enter my lair?”
“Oh Dungeon Lord, the Hero is coming to slay you!”
While the dungeon lord chills in his lair with a hot cup of coffee, his spies barge in to tell him the bad news- an assassination is planned against him. But is it that easy to kill a dungeon lord?
What must his highness do now? Fortunately, he has a kickass strategy in place:
– Control his minions to conquer three regions
– Conduct research, and collect gold to summon creatures, and
– Use the creatures to defeat the hero!
And if not? Well, then it’s not a good day to be the dungeon lord!
Oh My Lair, is a spectacular one-player game developed by Experimental Playground, with an amazing story and a very interesting game mechanism. Our team often engages in a round of Oh My Lair whenever some spare time (20 minutes, max) is there for the taking, and we found it quite repeatable. For those who read our blog for Escape of the Dead, Oh My Lair is a bit more advanced, but not very far off of it. In both games, the allocation of dice in sectors plays a fundamental role, and each round of the game is divided into four parts.
What you need to play Oh My Lair
To play this game, you need to color-print two pages, one that contains the playing field, while the other contains all the gaming tokens and coins. For our goal of shelving the game for a lifetime, we chose to laminate the prints, making the playing field, tokens, and coins much sturdier than traditional paper prints. Other than the prints, you also need 5 dice in total to play the game, which can be easily availed from stores like Amazon.
Once printed and laminated, you need to cut out the hero tokens, creature tokens, mojo tokens, and the three types of coins. It’s highly advised to contain them inside a small/box as there are quite a lot of small tokens and coins in the game.
With the printed game components and 5 dice by your side, head on to watch the gameplay tutorial for Oh My Lair. We recommend watching the gameplay video of Veselko Kelava, one of our favorite YouTubers in the field of print-and-play.
What we enjoyed about Oh My Lair
It is always a big waving green flag when a game is repeatable, and Oh My Lair certainly makes our list. The ever-building tension of the Hero approaching the Lair on every step, the many ways to bring down the hero with the creatures of your choosing, or the fact that you can strategize your way to tackle the Hero- everything plays a part in making this game fun to play multiple times at-a-go. To add more to the variety, there are 6 heroes to choose from, 8 creatures in your arsenal, and also three mojo tokens to re-roll dice. Despite being a small game, it’s quite packed! And we loved it.
Element of luck, but strategy gets the upper hand
When you know a game has five dice, it’s obvious that the involvement of luck is paramount- or so we thought! While we cannot deny the involvement of luck in this game, we found it quite strategic as well. On every round, you are bundled with questions-
Do I attack the soldiers first to conquer the region?
Do I dig gold? If I do, should I use it for more minions (dice) or for summoning creatures?
Which creature should I summon first? Where exactly should I place the creatures for it to be most effective?
Should I conduct research to summon new creatures?
With so many possible ways to strategize the game, we believe it counteracts with the element of luck in the game, making it a decent strategic game.

A fun resource-building game
In the case of Oh My Lair, let’s call it a creature-building game! Our team has always been a big fan of any game with a hint of resource-building mechanism in it. In the case of Oh My Lair, every creature has its own requirement to be summoned, that too with different power, and that shapes up your entire strategy towards the game. Only three creatures can be summoned at a time, so a bit of lady luck is required to get some decent creatures to take down the hero. Each Creature token has symbols that indicate the resources that are required to summon it, as well as the power of the creature to summon minions. The more efficiently you allocate the resources needed to summon a creature, the sooner you can release it to put an assault on the hero!
Where to get the game from?
Did the blog get you interested? Trust me when I say it, you will get hooked on the game in no time. And the best part is, the game is free, and you can download it from pnparcade.com. With zero cost of purchase, and minimal cost of printing, lamination, and dice, we will recommend this game especially to those who are still new to the world of print-and-play games. A big shoutout to Experimental Playground for developing this amazing game, and we can’t wait to try the rest of the games that this amazing publisher has in the offering.
Overview | Oh My Lair
Publisher: Experimental Playground
Number of players: 1
Difficulty level: Easy
Rounds of gameplay needed to learn: 2 rounds
Game duration: 15 to 20 minutes
Price: Free
Download from: pnparcade.com
Theme: Monsters and Heroes
Number of pages and color: 2 (color-print)
Assembling difficulty level: Medium (cutting printed parts)
Lamination: Recommended for longevity
Additional elements required: 5 dice
Time to learn: Within 30 minutes
Travel-friendly: 8/10
Shelving friendly: 9/10
Rating from PnP Time: 8/10

Tasliman is a board game developer based in Bangladesh, with the dream of exploring the world of games and introducing it to anyone new to it. He is the founder of Kraftz, a brand that develops board games commercially, as well as with reputed entities like BRAC and The Gates Foundation.