Hi there from PnP Time

Hi there!

It’s Tasliman, an avid game enthusiast and developer, living in Bangladesh. I can’t quite recall the start of my journey with games (I was too young!), but I started developing board games in 2018. The power of creating an in-person experience is what has always brought me closer to board games.

While creating board games in Bangladesh for more than 6 years, I got captivated by its next of kin- print and play games. To me, print and play games are the ultimate example of the power of a piece of paper. They show how, with just a few game components, your imagination can take you on an incredible adventure!

What can you expect from PnP Time?

As I explore the world of print-and-play, so will you! Get ready for a wide range of game reviews which not only walks through the game experience, but also contain tips on how to build it, which playthrough videos to follow, which aspects of the games makes them stand out from the rest, and beyond- how to customize them to your liking!

Not all of us are born crafters! Many of you are on the lookout for ways to build a game, the right equipment to have by your side, and some handy yet affordable game components to add to your collection. Get ready to get all the necessary information on building games the way you see fit!

What’s life without a few silly mishaps? We are all prone to mistakes, and the Silly Blogs are a tale of it. These are light-hearted content of all my goofy adventures as far as print-and-play games are concerned.

Oh, yes. Perks of being around a game developer and a blogger- you get to see new games! Get ready to get a taste of brand new games made by yours truly. The goal is to publish games that finally put my country on the map in the world of print-and-play! 

A weekly update on the whereabouts of a fellow gamer, blogger, and developer! I’ll walk through the PnP games I’m playing, the ones that are fresh out, and a few tips that might be helpful!

So let’s get started, shall we?

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