Author name: Tasliman

Tasliman is a board game developer based in Bangladesh, with the dream of exploring the world of games and introducing it to anyone new to it. He is the founder of Kraftz, a brand that develops board games commercially, as well as with reputed entities like BRAC and The Gates Foundation.

A Dream Project with BRAC and The Gates Foundation
About Us

A Dream Project

A Dream Project Flashback 13th of October, 2022As I sat on our absolutely stunning booth of the Board Game “মাটি থেকে মুঠোফোন” (Clay2Cell) on the second day of Frugal Innovation Forum 2022, I had a flashback of the past seven months; of amazing moments that I, being the founder of a brand that makes board […]

Hi there from PnP Time
About Us

Hi there!

Hi there! It’s Tasliman, an avid game enthusiast and developer, living in Bangladesh. I can’t quite recall the start of my journey with games (I was too young!), but I started developing board games in 2018. The power of creating an in-person experience is what has always brought me closer to board games. While creating

Print and play with a date
Silly Blogs

Print and Play with a Date

Print-and-Play with a Date How far are you willing to go for love? That and, how far is your lover willing to participate in the hobby you’re obsessed with?! If you are thinking of ways to impress your date while bringing the person closer to your passion for print-and-play, let’s get started. Time to kill

A Game night went wrong.
Silly Blogs

A Game Night went Wrong!

A Game Night went WRONG 11 00pm. Applying antibiotic cream to my scratched-up arm, as I brace myself to clean the soaked-up, ruined game pieces scattered across the table.  How did it come to this? Did the game night turn into a WWE showdown? Not quite. I wish. That would have been fun. Let’s go

My Worst Enemies in Games
Silly Blogs

My Worst Enemies in Games

My Worst Enemies in Games Are you looking for a list of dark lords or antagonists here?  Then you’re wrong. For there are some that go beyond evil.  After playing print-and-play games for quite a while, I summoned enough courage to write about the culprits that no one dared to speak of. So here I

Black Sonata Gameplay
PnP Game Review

Black Sonata Game Review

Black Sonata Then will I swear beauty herself is black,And all they foul that thy complexion lack! You are wandering through the fog-drenched streets of London more than 400 years ago, searching for a mysterious woman- the Dark Lady. You slip past alleys, deciphering cryptic clues, and following the whispers carried by the wind.  Can

Rolling Village game played for a round
PnP Game Review

Rolling Village Game Review

Rolling Village Who wouldn’t want to be the Mayor? Wouldn’t you? But as they say, with great power comes greater responsibilities! Do you have what it takes to design and build the best possible village to be elected as the Mayor? Rolling Village is a quick roll-and-write game developed by Diego Di Maggio and published

PnP Game Review

30 Rails Game Review

30 Rails 30 rolls for 30 rails! In front of you lies the blueprint of your city- with its beautiful mountains, and the glorious mine that is powering it. Connecting the four corners of the city are four stations, and it is bestowed upon you to lay rail tracks, ensuring it becomes well-connected. Can you

PnP Game Review

Leaky Boat PnP Game Review

Leaky Boat Rowing your sailboat in the great Caribbean with an ancient map in hand- what can go wrong, right? Spending your humble days in the boat and trying to score some treasures from the islands is all you ever wanted. Some peaceful, calming moments as you bag the treasures and get really rich. But

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